Saturday, March 15, 2014

How Would You Paint Me?

This is one of my older poems and one of my personal favorites. If you like this poem please feel free to share it on Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I don't mind readers sharing as long as my name is shown with the poem. If you want me to see what you've posted please include #christyannmartine so I can find you. Thanks so much! 

How Would You Paint Me?

If you were an artist
how would you paint me?
With deep solid strokes 
or your brush sweeping softly?
Would you paint me by number,
quickly fill in the lines
or sketch me first, 
taking your time? 
Would you use vibrant colors
or plain shades of gray?
Would you change me in any way?
Would you hang me proudly
and gaze at me often
or tuck me away
until I'm forgotten?

~Christy Ann Martine

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